Why Buy From Dakhm?

  1. Lowest/Best price on all products (compare our price with the average market price)
  2. When buying from Dakhm, you are getting LOWEST OF THE LOWEST PRICE by getting 20% cashback through points. Know more about points from here
  3. Instant useable CASHBACK on all products – no delay
  4. We put our customers first in every aspect. (have any issue? don’t worry you are safe, let us know please).
  5. Fast and Friendly customer support (within a few hours we will respond, contact us via phone, email, fb inbox).
  6. Value for your money (right price for you, nothing more but less)
  7. Fast Delivery, average home delivery time inside Dhaka-2 days, outside Dhaka-5 days (we use reputed courier companies for home delivery)
  8. The more you buy the more you save per product (10tk discount is added per product for a single order, add multiple products and check by yourself on cart/checkout page)
  9. Discounts on products/delivery charge (all our regular products’ prices are equal to other markets “limited offer price", check by yourself!!)
  10. Earn cashback via points for your purchase (you will earn points if you spend money on Dakhm, you can cash out those points with bkash or buy more products with points you earned)
  11. Honest product image, description, reviews, price. (we mean it when we say it)
  12. Best refund/return policy (we are very fast at refund/return process)
  13. New customers may get flat % discount via coupon code. (coupon code mentioned in all single product pages)
  14. Personalized experience (chat, talk to us if you have any doubt before purchasing, we are here to answer and serve)
  15. Lowest/Best home delivery charge (please compare among other ecommerce websites)
  16. All most all products on Dakhm has 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.
  17. Single flat delivery charge per order with any number of products.
  18. Buy with points you earned and get discount, to know more about points please check here.
  19. We focus on each and every customer, and work towards attending individual customer carefully to solve any issue.
  20. All updates are LIVE with email to customer’s email address about his account/order/delivery. Therefore customers are most of the time updated about delivery time or any changes regarding activities on our website

**updated  March 17, 2022

**our terms and conditions, campaign, rules may change at any given time